We all Not Only a Friendship...
Started in August 2011,, the first i was walk with my foot in EEPIS (electronic engineering polytechnic institute of Surabaya). Exactly the time for new student, but usually we cal it “ospek”.
Here I learned a lot how the lives as college student, how college student having busy to do their task and homework from lecturers, it would be very beneficial to me. But beside our activity, I felt a something, i felt of kinship and friendship between us.
And continued in early September, where I began to join my class, 1 D4 Informatics Technology Engineering , I felt strange and uncomfortable with this class.
I feel everything is cool, and can not mingle.
times must be continue, an unexpected relationship classmates became closer.
Moreover, when a sudden we decide to do a journey That’s the Kenjeran, we take pictures of scenery and each other once in a while we take pictures with friends - other friends. Does not end there, we went to Suramadu.
Here, I had an experience that’s unforgettable memories. which I fell off the bike, when we recrossing Suramadu, which made all my friends because a little panicked at the foot wound. But that does not problem,
the journey is still continue to arrive in Bangkalan (although only for photos).Since then, I felt a bond that ties very closely. We are not just friends, but we are family.
And when we decide for their tour to the Tuban area, with the consent of all must participate. Create a bond that grew stronger, and I hope it will last I love you SETIA.KU :D

I love you all,,
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