I want to review the novel that I read several times. " POCONGGG juga POCONG". 

          Initially, I thought the novel was a mystery novel that it contains things mystical. however, they often look at twitter a lot of talk about the novel. I began to wonder with the novel. several times I went to gramed to buy this book, but the novel is always exhausted. I am increasingly curious about the contents of the novel to make the novel a best seller in bookstores .and finally I met the book at secondhand book sale.

           The book is written from someone who is disguised as pocong to call himself poconggg. Initially, before making the novel, he is a very hobby "nge-tweet". his tweet that always smelled of adolescent humor today, making it the acount of the most widely followed in Indonesia.

            contents of the book is taken from the contents of his tweet. There is also a telling of the life poconggg which is the only demon that failed. entirely covered with an atmosphere of humor. funny humor that makes his readers addicted to reading this novel again. 

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