Election of ITCE

Today (April 30, 2012) is elections (in Indonesia: Pemilu) in my department, ITCE. The place to vote in Gazebo near canteen. The Purpose of this Election is choosing new chairman assemblage of college student and new vice chairman assemblage of college student. All ITCE family can vote from 8 Am until 5 PM.
Six day ago before this event, on April 24 2012 held oral campaign in canteen. Voting begin in this day and tomorrow (May 1, 2012) and the result you can see in May 5, 2012.
Between the candidates, one of them is my classmate. He is Agung Waluyo. He was nominated by him partner, Wahyu (In Indonesia "Mas Wahyu"). Agung as a vice chairman and Mas Wahyu as chairman. According to me, Agung is a good boy. He is a very active in my department. And the partner is a good too. As well as their face is a same, right. :) . because their face is a same, I believe they are very match.. Ha ha
OK Everybody, let's vote according to your heart, but you must vote number 2.. :D
By the way, at the time me and my friends become impromptu committee, because my class is free activity. This is very interesting.
Steps for voting are:
1. You must bring smart card or mandiri ATM and then you can signature in the absence.
2. You can enter in the room are available
3. You can choose your choice
4. Enter in box
5.  Enter one of your fingers in the ink

One of them ITCE Family enter vote in box @Gazebo.

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