Long time no fill in this blog J . anyway one of my hobby is cookingsonow I want to disserve some recipes that I ever try it for all of you ! this recipes is quite simple, and easy to apply it.
Ingredients :
- - 3 clove of garlic
- - 1 onion
- - Some salt, sugar, and pepper (according to your taste)
- - A half bottle of tomato catsup
- - Add some chili sauce if you want to get spicier taste
- - 1 ½ cup of mince (use cup for measuring bakery ingredients)
- - Some cheese for sowing
- - Some oil for sauté
- - Spaghetti pasta
How to cook :
· *For the sauce
- - Chop garlic and onion into smaller one
- - Sauté them until quite soft than add the mince and continue sauté
- - After the mince become brown, add salt, sugar and pepper sufficiently .
- - And pour some water so that the flavor can enter the mince
- - If the water decrease , pour the tomato catsup
- - And taste it
· *For the pasta
- - Boil water in pan and add a few of salt and pour a few of oil too
- - After the water ready add the pasta
- - Wait for more less 10 minutes
The spaghetti is done J sowing the cheese and enjoy it !
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